Program Overview
AgriStability is designed to provide financial support for farm operations facing large margin declines caused by production loss, increased costs and/or declining market conditions. Coverage is for the whole farm and is personalized based on each farm’s history.

The AgriStability Program uses margins to determine if you are eligible for benefit payments. AgriStability calculates a program year margin and compares this to the reference margin for your farming operation.
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If your program year margin falls 30 per cent below your reference margin, due to any combination of production loss, adverse market conditions or increased costs, AgriStability could provide a payment.
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Program Fees
All producers participating in AgriStability must pay annual fees. Information will be included on the Enrolment/Fee Notice you receive.
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Contact Persons
In naming a contact person(s), you authorize them to receive, provide or make changes to information on your behalf concerning the AgriStability Program.
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Contract Buy-Outs
Due to the reduced production from the hot and dry conditions, you may be concerned about being able to fulfill your commitments on forward contracts. In those situations where you will not have enough production to meet forward contract requirements, the cost of having to buy-out the shortfall with the grain company can be included in your AgriStability expense.
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