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Claim Verification

We are modernizing our Crop Insurance claim process. SCIC’s adjusters are no longer climbing grain bins to complete inspections and verifications. Starting in 2021, new procedures were put in place to ensure inspections are completed in a timely manner. This allows producers to maintain cash flow so there is minimal disruption in their operation.

To verify accuracy of customer data and final claim payments, SCIC staff are contacting select producers to reassess their Crop Insurance claims. Producers will be asked to discuss claim details including sold and stored production from previous years.

An adjuster will contact the selected producers for an on-farm visit to verify production, bin locations and seeded acres. SCIC will then contact grain buyers to access sales records. If no difference is identified during the verification process, claim payment will remain the same.

Producers are encouraged to review their Crop Insurance Statement of Indemnity and contact their local SCIC office if any information is incorrect.