Producers share stories how SCIC program work together for their farms

360 Coverage

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Extension of Insurance

An Extension of Insurance means you are insured for yield and quality losses occurring after November 15. The final adjustment will occur after harvest is complete but no later than June 10 of the following spring.

Producers with an extension of insurance and in a claim position will receive a claim payment based on the crop production information and SCIC’s appraisal of the unharvested crop. When harvest of the crop is completed the claim will be finalized based on the final production information (see examples).

Example #1 (below coverage)

  • The producer seeded 1,000 acres of lentils with a Crop Insurance guarantee of 20,000 bushels.
  • The producer is able to harvest 500 acres and the yield is 10 bushels per acre making the current production at 5,000 bushels.
  • Crop Insurance will appraise the remaining unharvested 500 acres. The appraisal is 5 bushels per acre for an additional production of 2,500 bushels.
  • Crop Insurance would provide compensation for the difference between the 20,000 bushel guarantee and the current harvested and appraised production. In this example the payment would be made for 12,500 bushels of lentils.

Example #2 (above coverage)

  • The producer seeded 1,000 acres of lentils with a Crop Insurance guarantee of 20,000 bushels.
  • The producer is able to harvest 500 acres and the yield is 25 bushels per acre making the current production at 12,500 bushels.
  • Crop Insurance will appraise the remaining unharvested 500 acres. The appraisal is 20 bushels per acre for an additional production of 10,000 bushels.
  • Crop Insurance would not provide a claim payment right now as the harvested and appraised production is above the producer’s guarantee; however, the claim would not be settled until the producer completes harvest. If further losses occur to the crop bringing the actual production below the guarantee a payment would be generated.

Unharvested Acres

If wildlife has damaged their unharvested crop, customers should contact SCIC prior to the spring harvest. Non-insured customers are eligible for compensation under the wildlife program and should contact their local SCIC office as soon as they detect damage on their crop.