Seeded Acreage Report and Stored Grain

Seeded acres and stored grain must be reported by June 25.
No matter how you file, report what you’ve seeded to finalize your Crop Insurance coverage.
Seeded Acreage
You must submit a Seeded Acreage Report declaring your seeded acres no later than June 25. This report is necessary to calculate your level of insurance and process your claims. You do not have full Crop Insurance coverage until you report your acres on your Seeded Acreage Report. If you suffer a crop loss and have not reported your acres by June 25, your claim may be denied.
Seeded Acreage Report forms are mailed to you in May. You can phone, fax, mail or drop off your seeded acreage information at any customer service office, or CropConnect customers may complete personalized reports online. If you fail to submit or are late, you may be assessed a penalty of $60. If necessary, an adjuster will visit your farm to gather the required additional information at an additional charge.
Forage: You must submit a Seeded Acreage Report declaring seeded acres no later than June 25. Insured greenfeed crops seeded by June 30 are to be reported by July 5. Forage acres reported after a loss occurred may be denied liability.
Stored Grain
You are required to report all stored grain, either on the separate Stored Grain Declaration form enclosed with your Seeded Acreage Report package or filed online through CropConnect. Providing your stored grain information results in more accurate claim payments.
Your completed Stored Grain Declaration must be submitted to SCIC by June 25 with your Seeded Acreage Report. If your stored grain amounts change after June 25, contact your customer service office to update your reported information. Updates must be made before harvest begins.
Stored grain not reported will be considered new production in the event of a yield-loss claim. If your production is mixed with that of any other producer, either in sales or storage, yield-loss claims will be averaged among individual producers. All stored grain, whether the crop is insured in the current year or not, should be reported. Your grain is not covered for losses once it is placed in storage. Cleaned or treated seed should be included as stored grain.