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Forage Establishment Benefit Option

The Forage Establishment Benefit Option is available to protect newly seeded forage acres intended for hay, grazing or seed production against the risk of an establishment failure. It is a stand-alone option, not linked to yield-loss insurance. This option must be selected if you want establishment coverage on acres seeded to forage. Forages grown for seed can be insured for establishment insurance through this option. Specific establishment criteria may apply.


Forage acres seeded between October 15 and June 20 are eligible for the establishment benefit option. Crops seeded during this time and germinating in the spring should be established and ready for harvest the following year. Acres grazed the year of seeding are not eligible for coverage. Any adjustments for establishment losses will not be made until the following year. These acres must be reported on your Seeded Acreage Report by June 25 of this year.

Forage Establishment Benefit Program Prices

View this year's Forage Establishment Benefit Program prices.

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Native Forage Establishment Benefit

The Native Forage Establishment Benefit protection is available for newly seeded native forages. Only spring-seeded acres planted by June 20 are eligible for the establishment benefit. Applicants must follow recommended agronomic practices for establishing native forage to be eligible for full coverage.

Native Forage Establishment Benefit Terms and Conditions

View the Terms and Conditions for the Native Forage Establishment Benefit

Terms and Conditions


Forage Establishment Benefit claims are subject to a deductible of 15 per cent of the total establishment coverage of alfalfa, alfalfa/grass and grass. Sweetclover and native forage are calculated separately.



Forage Establishment Benefit Coverage and Customer Premium
Risk Zone Alfalfa, Alfalfa/Grass, Grass Sweetclover Native Forage
1 5.98 4.32 16.62
2 1.67 1.20 4.63
3 6.50 4.70 18.06
4 7.50 5.42 20.83
5 1.70 1.23 4.73
6 5.95 4.30 16.52
7 1.36 0.98 3.78
8 5.46 3.95 15.18
9 7.38 5.33 20.49
10 7.15 5.16 19.86
11 3.30 2.38 9.16
12 6.93 5.00 19.25
13 5.21 3.76 14.48
14 4.07 2.94 11.30
15 5.80 4.19 16.10
16 8.56 6.18 23.79
17 4.96 3.58 13.76
18 5.83 4.21 16.20
19 6.47 4.67 17.97
20 7.13 5.15 19.81
21 6.16 4.45 17.10
22 6.54 4.73 18.18
23 4.35 3.14 12.09