Terms and Conditions - Camelina
This program was developed as a result of co-operative efforts between the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC), industry specialists, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and individual camelina producers.
These terms and conditions set out special conditions of camelina insurance to help you understand the coverage provided. Unless otherwise described below, all other aspects of the multi-peril Crop Insurance program also apply. Please refer to your endorsement, coverage detail and statement of insurance forms for specific premium and production guarantee information.
Insurance Features
- Insurance is available for camelina crops grown in all parts of the province.
- Coverage of 50, 60 or 70 per cent is available.
- Production guarantees for all producers are determined using the provincial average yield with no distinction for soil class, risk zone or individual yield histories.
- Insurance coverage is for yield loss only and no coverage is provided for quality loss.
- Individual Premium does not apply.
- Camelina seeded in the brown soil zone will have a seeding deadline of May 21. Liability in the brown soil zone will not be accepted after May 21.
- Areas outside the brown soil zone must consider the average days to maturity and the normal first fall frost for the area when determining the final seeding date for the variety seeded. Liability will not be accepted on camelina seeded after June 20. Soil zone maps are available at all SCIC customer service offices.
- An establishment benefit may be paid for camelina crops which fail to adequately establish or suffer damage before June 20. A minimum of 10 acres or 10 per cent of the total acres seeded must have failed to establish to be eligible.
Agronomic Practices
Producers are advised to consult Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Camelina Farm Facts for detailed agronomic practices, including weed control, seeding rate, fertility, crop rotations and other agronomic considerations.
Failure to follow recommended practices may result in the reduction or denial of any claim, should a loss occur. Producers are advised of the following specific considerations:
- Pre-seed weed control is important to establishing a good camelina stand. If weed pressure is a cause of loss and no method of pre-seed weed control was implemented, claims may be reduced or denied.
- Camelina is susceptible to herbicide residues in the soil. Do not seed on land where herbicide residue could be an issue.
- Target a plant population greater than 150 plants per square yard. Camelina should be seeded shallow (¼ to ½ inch depth) with good seed-to-soil contact.
SCIC is committed to developing a financially sound insurance package to meet the needs of camelina producers. Producer input and co-operation is essential to the growth of this insurance program. SCIC encourages all camelina producers to discuss their needs and concerns with the Corporation.