Mixed Forage Rainfall Insurance Program
The Mixed Forage Rainfall Insurance Program insures against a lack of moisture for forage acres over the growing season. Producers can insure forage feed crops including greenfeed, silage and cover crops intended for livestock feed.
View Terms and Conditions
To Enrol
For each land location you wish to insure, you must select the following:
- Weather Station
Choose the weather station which best represents weather conditions for your land (consider the monthly normals).
You are limited to selecting one weather station per insured parcel of land, within 100km of your land.
- Weighting Option
You must select the weighting option for each land location insured. This allows you to weight the May to August precipitation to best suit the growing season for your region and forage crop.
- Precipitation Cap
Select a precipitation cap of either 125 or 150 per cent of normal for each land location you insure. Any precipitation above this selected cap in any month will not be included in the claim calculation. The capping option helps in months when a significant rainfall event happens but does not eliminate you from receiving an indemnity when the rest of the year remains below normal. The 150 per cent cap will have lower premiums than the 125 per cent cap.
Premiums are cost-shared. Producers will pay 40 per cent while governments pay 60 per cent. Premium rates are calculated for participating weather stations based on weather station historical precipitation data, the weighting option and the precipitation cap that you select.
Coverage is available at $50, $100, $200 or $300 per acre. At the time of enrolment, you must declare all acres selected for coverage. You may insure any number of acres; you do not need to insure all your eligible mixed forage acres. All mixed forage acres on that contract must be insured at the same level of coverage.
If you seed fewer acres than declared, your insured acres and
premium will be adjusted accordingly. If you seed more acres, the declared
acres will be used for premium calculations. The Mixed Forage Rainfall Program name refers to the mix of crops that can be insured under the program. The crops insurable can be single or multispecies blends.
Monthly Precipitation Weighting Options
You must also select the weighting option for each land location insured. This allows you to weight the May to August precipitation to best suit your needs.
View OptionsMixed Forage Rainfall Insurance Program Calculator
Enter the type of acres you wish to insure and your legal land description for your current coverage options.
CalculateMixed Forage Rainfall Claim
A rainfall claim is triggered when the precipitation at your selected weather station is below 80 per cent of normal. 100 per cent of liability is paid when precipitation falls below 32 per cent of normal. The indemnity payout is graduated with a higher percentage of liability paid with decreasing precipitation.
For the ‘monthly per cent of normal’ calculation, one millimetre of rainfall is deducted for each day the temperature reaches 31 degrees Celsius. This adjustment helps recognize the impact of extreme heat on forage crop yields.
Indemnity paid is shown in the Mixed Forage Rainfall Indemnity Payment Schedule.
- The rainfall indemnity calculation is based on your selected monthly precipitation weighting and your selected precipitation cap.
- Quality control measures include verification of all weather station data by a third party (independent of SCIC) using procedures by an accredited meteorologist.
- Precipitation includes all rainfall and snowfall amounts.
- Only verified data is used in claim calculations.
- Rainfall claims do not have to be filed. These claims are automatically calculated once weather station data is compiled (September). Verified monthly precipitation amounts are available on our website and at your local SCIC customer service office.
- Precipitation determined for the weather station is the only means of determining a rainfall claim.
- Claims are not tied to individual yields or the amount of precipitation on individual parcels of land.