Producers share stories how SCIC program work together for their farms

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News From SCIC

SCIC in the News
Welcome to Yield Saskatchewan 2025

The digital version of Yield Saskatchewan is now available. 

SCIC in the News
Your Insurance Coverage and Upcoming Deadlines

This article is available in the Summer 2024 issue of Agriview.

Throughout the growing season, harvest and post-harvest, there are different features of SCIC's programs Saskatchewan producers should be aware of – including upcoming deadlines for submitting information and paying programs fees.

Is it time to participate in AgriStability?

AgriStability is a cost-effective business risk management program designed to help farm operations facing large margin declines. At $4.50 for every $1,000 covered Contribution Reference Margin multiplied by 70 per cent the annual AgriStability fee is $3.15 for every $1,000 of margin covered. For Saskatchewan producers, the average cost to participate is $0.69 per acre for grain operations, or $1.19 per head for livestock operations.

Crop Insurance
Weather-Based Programs Support Livestock Producers

SCIC's Weather-Based Programs are designed to protect producers against weather-related risks. Programs include the Forage Rainfall Insurance Program, Mixed Forage Rainfall Insurance Program, Intercrop Rainfall Insurance Program, Corn Rainfall Insurance Program and Corn Heat Unit Insurance Program.