Program Forms
Forms for all SCIC programs are listed in alphabetical order by name of the form.
The small icons in the right corners also provide examples and instructions for completing the form.
For Crop Insurance: Access program forms, endorsements and the Contract of Insurance.
For AgriStability: Individual producers (sole proprietors) must submit their income and expense (tax) information on the T1163 form to the Canada Revenue Agency, who shares this information with SCIC. Corporations and Co-operatives must submit all AgriStability forms to SCIC. An individual’s supplemental information (inventories, receivables, payables, deferrals and purchased inputs) must be submitted directly to SCIC.
For Livestock Price Insurance: Use the links below for quick access to for all program forms.
PLEASE NOTE: Data typed into fillable forms cannot be saved. Please print your completed form and submit to SCIC by fax, mail, e-mail, or visit your local office.
TIC: Filing the Appropriate Forms
Technical Information Circular (TIC) provides detailed information about forms to use when filing an AgriStability application based on how taxes are filed to the Canada Revenue Agency.
Download TICTIC: Inventory Valuation
All AgriStability participants must use the hybrid inventory valuation method for the program year. The hybrid method involves the assessment of market and non-market inventories.
Download TICTIC: Negative Margins and Deemed Crop Insurance Benefits
Technical Information Circular (TIC) provides detailed information about AgriStability benefit eligibility when a program year margin is negative and when a deemed Crop Insurance benefit is applied on a negative program year margin.
Download TICTIC: New or Returning Participants
For AgriStability purposes, new participants are those who have not participated in the program before or those who have not participated in the AgriStability Program in any of the four years immediately prior to the current program year.
Download TICTIC: Productive Capacity
Technical Information Circulars for AgriStability Productive Capacity.
Download TICTIC: Reporting Income and Expense
Technical Information Circular (TIC) provides detailed information on how to report Income and Expense for the AgriStability Program.
Download TICTransfer In from Out of Province
This checklist is to assist producers who relocate their operation to Saskatchewan. Review the list to ensure the information required for participation in AgriStability is provided to SCIC.
Fillable Form Printable FormWild Rice Endorsement
Complete this Crop Insurance Program form to activate or change coverage for the Wild Rice Insurance Program.
Download FormYear-End Inventory Check Worksheet
Year-end is a great time to record your inventory. This worksheet can assist you in calculating the information necessary for completing your AgriStability forms. This worksheet is for your own reference and is not required to process your application.
Download FormYield History Worksheet
Complete this Crop Insurance Program form to capture yield history.
Download Form